Electrical Hazards In the Workplace

Electricity is one of the most important power sources used daily. However, if it’s not properly managed in a workplace it can cause serious injury and death.

A recent incident involving a hospital worker in Victoria has highlighted the importance of detecting possible electrical hazards in the workplace. The employee received a fatal electric shock due to touching a power cord with a damaged protective outer insulation. The damaged power cord was a result of hospital beds being wheeled unknowingly over the cord, which led to electrical wires being exposed. The employee had not noticed the damage to the cord when they attempted to plug it into a power outlet.

Safe Work Australia notes that an average of 11 workers die each year as a result of unsafe contact with electrical equipment. It is imperative that workplaces manage their electrical risks by taking a vigilant approach to ensure steps are taken to prevent any electrical-related workplace injuries. In particular, those who are in regular contact with electronic devices or equipment that may pose the risk of electric shock.


Safe Industries Australia can help your business implement a regulated system that ensures the inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, such as testing and tagging electrical cords. This would also include staff training in identifying hazards or damage to electrical equipment, to ultimately avoid any unsafe environments being overseen.


Contact Safe Industries Australia to ensure you are complying with the Work Health and Safety Act in guaranteeing your electrical equipment is safe.